ubuntu synaptic touchpad
Type synclient to list all touchpad features then create a file to execute them at startup.
For example on 12.10 I am using these lines in my script:
synclient TapButton2=2
synclient TapButton3=3
synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1
synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1
synclient CircularScrolling=1
synclient PalmDetect=1
These enable Horizontal edge, two finger horizontal scroll, middle mouse button by tapping with two fingers and right mouse button by tapping with three fingers and palm detection to avoid unwanted clicks while typing...
Type synclient to list all touchpad features then create a file to execute them at startup.
For example on 12.10 I am using these lines in my script:
synclient TapButton2=2
synclient TapButton3=3
synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1
synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1
synclient CircularScrolling=1
synclient PalmDetect=1
These enable Horizontal edge, two finger horizontal scroll, middle mouse button by tapping with two fingers and right mouse button by tapping with three fingers and palm detection to avoid unwanted clicks while typing...