Step 1(Check your time zone):
root@localhost: cat /etc/timezone
Step 2 (Reconfigure):
root@localhost: tzconfig
root@localhost: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Choose yourtime zone and save
Check your date:
root@localhost: date
Sync with time server
Step1 (Install ntpdate):
Step2 (add to /etc/ntp.conf your localtime server)
server my.local.time.server
Used oreilly
Step 1(Check your time zone):
root@localhost: cat /etc/timezone
Step 2 (Reconfigure):
root@localhost: tzconfig
root@localhost: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Choose yourtime zone and save
Check your date:
root@localhost: date
Sync with time server
Step1 (Install ntpdate):
Step2 (add to /etc/ntp.conf your localtime server)
server my.local.time.server
Used oreilly